Mint Garden Café is a food & flower bistrot in the heart of Milan's city center. It opened in Autumn 2013. I was called soon after the opening to support in the management of all aspects of communication, both strategically and practically.
With a keen eye on budget restrictions and logistic limitations, and with an inherited logo, I proceeded in revolutionizing the previous image and created a photography-heavy approach, that perfectly enhanced the combination of food&flowers and heightened the stylish and very trendy nature of the spot.
The client was a rather difficult one: different partners, at times with very different views, economic and resource budget to the bone. Still, my work contributed greatly into establishing Mint Garden Café as one of the coolest spots in Milano.

Mint Garden Cafè & Mint Flower Design - brochures (concept, design, copywriting, photography) - 2016

Mint Garden Café - brochure (concept, design, copywriting, photography) - 2016

Mint Flower Design - brochure & business cards (concept, design, copywriting, photography) - 2016

Mint Flower Design - packing tags - 2016

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - menu language variations - 2015

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - menu language variations - 2015

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - menu - 2015

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - menu - 2015

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - responsive website - 2014 -

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - responsive website - 2014 -

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - responsive website - 2014 -

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - "aperimint" in-store signage - 2015

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - business cards - 2014

Mint Garden Cafè, Milano - business cards - 2014
Design, concept, copywriting, photography, print production, web production, social media: raffaella isidori
Web platform: WordPress
Printing: Arti Grafiche Baratelli
Time frame: April 2014 - August 2016
Type of commission: client
Like what you see? Want to work together on a project? Get in touch now! Tell me your needs and let's try to make some magic happen! Contact me!